eFiling or eService – Which comes first?

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Are you effecting electronic service correctly along with your electronic court filing? Check in on eService best practices and learn how to eServe and eFile at the same time.

7 troubleshooting tips for mid-eFiling woes

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Whether you’ve attained eFiling guru status or you’re still an eFiling novice, you could find yourself smack dab in the middle of a transaction and suddenly realize there’s a problem. Your heart rate quickens and your adrenaline pumps as you wring your hands and frantically try to problem solve. What’s a legal professional to do? […]

FAQs for new eFiling courts in California

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While some states plunge into electronic court filing uniformly across all of its county courts, California allows each county to decide if, how, and when its courts will make the transition. As of now, only 19 of California’s 58 counties permit eFiling in some or all case types, but new eFiling courts are coming. In […]

Quick Tip Tuesday: Double Check for eFiling

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Welcome to Quick Tip Tuesday, when our eFiling experts discuss new or interesting ways to improve how you eFile and beyond.  With many California courts now implementing eFiling, the notion of complying with document submission requirements can be daunting. There is a learning curve when it comes to bookmarking your exhibits and creating text-searchable documents. […]

What you need to know about eService in California superior courts

Have you ever wanted to eServe your documents but worried that you might not be doing it correctly? eService can be much more efficient and save you time and money, but it is imperative that you comply with the California Rules of Court. Many people don’t know that you can actually eServe documents in all […]

Important things to Know when eFiling in Texas

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Almost one year ago, eFiling became mandatory for all civil case types in 10 Texas counties. Today, there are 109 counties and 290 courts utilizing the efiletexas.gov eFiling system. In just the first six months of the eFiling mandate, over 2 million filings were processed through the system! The Texas courts project that by January […]

Helpful hints for surviving a California State Bar MCLE audit

As we previously posted, the State Bar is strictly enforcing their compliance rules and this year, they have conducted the largest audit to date. Everyone wants to avoid the dreaded audit, but should you be asked to provide proof of your MCLE hours, the Bar has provided some helpful tips that might help make the […]

California State Bar conducts largest MCLE audit to date

Back in February of this year, One Legal attended an MCLE rule amendment meeting at the California State Bar. As an MCLE provider, it is essential that we comply with the changing rules. As you may remember, we reported that the State Bar would be strictly enforcing compliance rules and that attorneys should be expecting […]

5 San Diego civil eFiling requirements you need to know

San Diego County Superior Court has revised its Civil eFiling requirements.  All requirements are effective as of June 30, 2014.  Here are five updates that you should be aware of: #1 North County Division is open for eFiling for non-mandated civil cases if the case has been first initiated on or after June 2014 or if […]

San Diego Superior Court announces eFiling in north county division

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On May 20, 2014, San Diego Superior Court announced that effective June 30, 2014 it will initiate eFiling in its North County Civil Division. Documents may be filed electronically in North County Civil cases where either: (1) the case is first initiated on or after June 30, 2014; or (2) the case is already pending as […]

Texas eFiling standards defined by state supreme court

Rejected eFilings are a source of frustration for many legal secretaries, paralegals and attorneys across Texas. The Texas Supreme Court has issued new standards for rejected filings from the courts.  In an article on Texas eFiling, posted on Mondaq.com by Tate Hemingson of Strasburger & Price, L.L.P., Hemingson describes the rejection frustration felt by many filers.  He goes […]

Texas eFiling could save 24 Million pages of paper in 2014

Texas eFiling saves paper

Texas paper savings galore Think of how much paper you could save by switching to electronic instead of paper copies. Well, this is just what is happening in the state of Texas; but in a more peculiar way. There is a new mandate in town that requires certain types of cases to be electronically filed […]