6 steps to building your exhibit list and preparing exhibits
Proper preparation of exhibit lists are critical to the outcome of a trial. It’s also a process where paralegals can have a big impact.
Work from home California reimbursement for remote law firms
This guide will help you get to grips with the rules around knowing what to reimburse work-from-home employees in California for your law firm.
Paralegals: Here’s how to build a better relationship with your attorneys
As a paralegal, your career is intrinsically tied to the attorneys with whom you work. Here are some tips for strengthening those attorney-paralegal relationships.
How paralegals can command more respect
Want to command more professional respect as a paralegal? These tips will help you cultivate more respect from others in the legal industry.
The ins, outs, pros, and cons of freelancing for California paralegals
A lot of California paralegals are wondering: is this a good time to start freelancing? Here’s what you need to know to decide if a freelance paralegal career is right for you.
Paralegals: should you follow your lawyer to a new firm?
Here’s a question for paralegals: when your lawyer changes firms, should you follow them? Here’s how to weigh whether you should go or stay.
Six things paralegals do better than attorneys
Legal support staff may not have the most senior positions in the law firm, but you couldn’t operate without them. For instance, consider these 6 things that paralegals do better than attorneys.
15 most famous attorneys from California
California is known as the state that produces stars, and the legal industry is no exception. Here are 15 famous attorneys from California.
How to communicate effectively with California court clerks
Need to talk to a court clerk? Wait! Before you call, check out these tips to help you effectively communicate with California court clerks.
Wellness resources for California legal professionals
Legal professionals everywhere are beginning to recognize the need for more attention to health and wellness. Check out this list of top-notch wellness resources for legal professionals in California.
Where, how, and when to get your CLE credits in California
Are you looking for more California CLE credits to meet your ongoing education requirements? Let’s talk about the California MCLE requirements and how you can get those credits.
Hottest legal careers in California
California’s unique economic and political landscape makes it an attractive destination for legal professionals. Here are the hottest legal careers and practice areas in California today.
5 inclusive ways to replace happy hours
Happy hours are fun…for some people. For others, the traditional happy hour is less than ideal. How do you make sure that everyone at your firm can socialize and enjoy? Let’s explore some great happy hour alternatives that everyone will love.
Communicating your value to potential clients who might balk at legal rates
Clients might balk at attorney fees. Your job is to communicate your value, not just your prices. That starts when you understand and believe in your own value as a lawyer. Here’s how to navigate that process.
How to survive California court backlogs caused by omicron
Just when it looked like we were getting close to pre-pandemic procedures, the omicron variant caused more closures and delays. If you’re dreading the thought of navigating California courts right now, here’s a survival guide.
10 strategies for when you’re about to miss a major deadline
About to miss a major deadline? It happens to all of us. Take a deep breath, then read this article for next steps.