What perks matter most to office workers in a law office?
Working long hours at a law office means sacrifices, right? Because of this, firms make a big effort to show their appreciation to employees by providing perks. Here are a few office perks law firm employees say are most important to them.
7 tasks to outsource for hours saved each week
There is no end to the amount of work any member of a law firm must do. But many companies out there are willing and able to do many of the small things for you. By relying on these niche professionals, you can save yourself and your colleagues time each week.
2019 summer reading recommendations from One Legal
It’s the best time of the year! Summer reading time! The team at One Legal shared a few of their current reads, must-reads, and soon-to-be-reads.
May the 4th of law be with you
With a film series like Star Wars that’s earned billions of dollars, you’re likely to vigorously protect intellectual property rights. In light of “Star Wars Day,” we’ll look at some of the most notable court cases and decisions involving the Jedi universe.
From rigid to relaxed: Why law firms are becoming less formal
Many law firms are loosening up their dress codes and embracing wellness initiatives. Learn more on what’s driving this trend towards a more relaxed work environment.
Legal practice areas that didn’t exist 20 years ago
Today’s trends generate legal issues that yesterday’s education may not have prepared us for. Will one of these legal practice areas be your new specialty?
How to maximize legal research demands in your practice
Are your legal research processes as efficient and focused as they could be? Studies show that many cases suffer from insufficient research; find out how to maximize legal research in your firm.
6 most important evaluations of any new software
How does your firm evaluate new software solutions? Carefully consider your options before making a decision, and factor in these key evaluations for successful software selection.
7 sneaky things that waste a paralegal’s time
How do you spend your time? Discover some surprising ways that you might be losing time over the course of the day, even as you intend to save it.
How eFiling works [infographic]
An illustrative guide to how electronic court filing works, complete with tips for filers to avoid rejection and optimize their process.
6 tactics for dealing with clients who take up all your time
Sometimes clients take up more than their fair share of your time. Here are some strategies for dealing with clients who need a little extra from your firm.
5 benefits of a court filing service for your law firm
How are you getting your legal documents filed? Professional law firms benefit from using an experienced court filing service like One Legal.
Top tech must-haves for solo attorneys and small firms
How does your solo firm balance the practice of law with the business of law? Do you have all the tech tools you need to succeed?
12 hacks for an office summer refresh
Spring is often an extremely busy time in the legal world, but as summer comes around, vacations and reduced litigation can actually make more time for brushing up on projects around the office. Consider using the coming weeks to take on new plans, address old ones, and catch up on postponed activities. Here are some […]
Does my law firm really need PDF editing software?
The Portable Document Format (PDF) has been around since the 1990s and has long been since considered the “gold standard” of document types, independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems. While some have believed the PDF to be “a format that causes headaches for the average person,” the truth is that much of the […]
10 mistakes for attorneys to avoid when going solo
The path toward a solo practice is an arduous one, and it can be made all the worse if you stumble upon these 10 common mistakes. As you start thinking about going solo, protect yourself against these potential pitfalls by reading about them early on and taking steps to prevent them: #1 Burning bridges It […]