Why you need to remove metadata from your court filings

Consider this scenario: you’re preparing to file a financial disclosure in a divorce case. To protect your client’s confidentiality, you’ve dutifully removed all of their bank details, their social security number, and so on from the Word document. You deleted it, so it’s gone permanently, right? Not so fast! It doesn’t take much digging on […]
27 technology terms every legal professional should know

If you don’t know your EFMs from your EFSPs, talk of “the cloud” leaves you wondering if people are discussing the weather, or “phishing” seems like something one ought to do with a rod and reel then this post is for you! It’s true that technology can sometimes appear to be advancing so fast that […]
How to produce “court-friendly” PDFs

The rapid introduction of electronic filing in courts across the U.S. means that it is now increasingly likely that court documents will only be read digitally. Some digital documents are easier for the courts to handle than others, however. What are the key features of a “court friendly” filing? The courts require documents submitted to […]
4 scheduling tools to help simplify meetings and appointments

What if we told you there are scheduling tools that could take all those hours you spend trying to sync calendars and arrange appointments and instead require only a couple of clicks? The tedious back and forth communication and processes — comparing calendars to find a time suitable for all participants, finding the best place […]
Small law firms and technology [infographic]

The legal profession, especially solo practitioners and small firms, have long been considered laggards in the implementation of technology — stubbornly sticking to paper-based methods and generally wary of change. However, there’s growing evidence that more and more small law firms are beginning to embrace technology. In particular, firms are reporting that — as the […]
How to use Microsoft Word Styles (a guide for legal professionals)

A well-formatted and -presented legal document can go a long way toward enhancing readability. However, worrying about consistent formatting can seem trivial when it’s the content that really matters. If (like me) you’re a bit of a pedant for a consistently-presented document, then you may have spent a lot of time manually making titles a […]
5 top stats from the ABA’s report on the future of legal services

In an effort to understand the rapidly-changing legal profession, the American Bar Association (ABA) established the 30-member Commission on the Future of Legal Services in 2014. The Commission spent two years researching and documenting the challenges facing the profession and, in particular, whether traditional delivery models were up to the task of meeting the public’s […]
15 tips and tricks for working faster in Word, Excel, and Outlook

There’s a good chance that you spend much of day working in Microsoft Office, and specifically the bulk of that time in Word, Excel, or Outlook. Whether you love it or hate it, it’s what you’ve got to work with. So, rather than rage against the machine, learning to make use of its many quick […]
Everything you need to know about sending large files by email

These days, working with email and using email clients like Microsoft Outlook or Apple Mail is pretty run of the mill stuff. However, there’s a little more to sending email attachments, especially large files, than is general knowledge. In this quick skills post, we cover everything you need to know to send large files successfully […]
Simple changes to make your office space more inspiring

If you’re starting to feel that “Monday feeling” drag out for the entire week, then it may be time to re-evaluate your office environment. That’s because, according to research into workplace wellness and productivity, the most important factor in determining an employee’s ability to focus is their physical environment. While it may not often be […]
The best books, blogs, and resources for legal writing

The vast majority of legal jobs require the deployment of legal writing skills. In fact, your writing, along with your interpersonal abilities, will almost certainly be the most important elements on which you are professionally judged. However, because of the sheer volume of written material produced by legal professionals — wills, leases, contracts, pleadings, briefs, […]
One Legal brings low cost eFiling and eService to San Francisco

You can now electronically file general civil cases in San Francisco Superior Court for just $9.95 with One Legal — 55% less than the average cost of an eFiling with one of San Francisco’s other filing providers. Low cost eFiling, with a an easy to use platform and comprehensive support to boot. At One Legal […]
11 Google Chrome tips and tricks for legal professionals

For many working in legal jobs, it seems that Google Chrome is the browser of choice. However, despite it being the most widely used web browser on the market, few take full advantage of all of its many features. Here, we suggest 11 Chrome features and apps that could improve your work day. A quick […]
Why typography should matter to lawyers

“Typography matters because it helps conserve the most valuable resource you have as a writer — reader attention.” So says Matthew Butterick, a graphic designer-turned-lawyer who has authored a book called “Typography for Lawyers”, which seeks to bust a lot of presentational myths that persist in the legal profession, and suggest ways legal documents can […]
eFiling is coming to Silicon Valley

Santa Clara County will soon begin requiring electronic filing. What do you need to know to be prepared? Court officials have recently announced that, beginning June 2016, Santa Clara County Superior Court will start to implement electronic court filing for civil cases. The county, which includes Palo Alto (Apple), Mountain View (Google), and Sunnyvale (Yahoo!), […]
How court filing is changing and what it means for your law firm

Note from the editor: In October 2015, we wrote a post setting out some of the big changes that were coming to the California courts. In this post, we provide updates on those changes and explain what they mean for your law firm. There’s a lot of change happening in the state courts right now. […]