5 ways to boost your productivity that are backed by science [Updated]

Productivity tips for lawyers

Originally published December 15, 2015. Updated January 20, 2017. The internet is full of articles claiming to provide the secret to limitless personal productivity. If only we got out of bed earlier, organized our email more often, or divided our day into 25-minute bursts of activity followed by tiny little breaks. There’s even one study […]

10 actionable productivity tips for legal professionals

There’s one big thing that’s killing our ability to focus and give our work the attention it requires: Digital distraction — the overwhelming bombardment of text messages, emails, pop-ups, new feeds, and updates from which it is almost impossible to hide. That’s a big problem, especially if you work in a profession like the law […]

5 time-saving tools and services all law firms need to know about

Time saving tips for lawyers

Do your days feel like they’re whizzing past, leaving you with little more than a much longer to-do list? In busy, always-on-the-go professions like the law, it can often feel like there’s no let-up. However, there are legal professionals out there who have unlocked the secrets of productivity and time management. We all know them […]

7 common habits of very punctual people

habits of very punctual people

A study by researchers at San Francisco State University once found that 20% of Americans are chronically late — and, according to recent surveys, it’s something that is increasingly common among the younger generation It’s not necessarily that the chronically late don’t respect other people’s time, though. Diane DeLonzor, the lead researcher for the San […]

4 scheduling tools to help simplify meetings and appointments

day planner

What if we told you there are scheduling tools that could take all those hours you spend trying to sync calendars and arrange appointments and instead require only a couple of clicks? The tedious back and forth communication and processes — comparing calendars to find a time suitable for all participants, finding the best place […]

15 tips and tricks for working faster in Word, Excel, and Outlook

Word Outlook Excel tips

There’s a good chance that you spend much of day working in Microsoft Office, and specifically the bulk of that time in Word, Excel, or Outlook. Whether you love it or hate it, it’s what you’ve got to work with. So, rather than rage against the machine, learning  to make use of its many quick […]

Simple changes to make your office space more inspiring

How office plants boost productivity

If you’re starting to feel that “Monday feeling” drag out for the entire week, then it may be time to re-evaluate your office environment. That’s because, according to research into workplace wellness and productivity, the most important factor in determining an employee’s ability to focus is their physical environment. While it may not often be […]

11 Google Chrome tips and tricks for legal professionals

Chrome tips for legal professionals

For many working in legal jobs, it seems that Google Chrome is the browser of choice. However, despite it being the most widely used web browser on the market, few take full advantage of all of its many features. Here, we suggest 11 Chrome features and apps that could improve your work day. A quick […]

7 Microsoft Word hacks every legal professional should know

Microsoft word hacks every legal professional should know

Microsoft Word is one of those programs that you instinctively think you’re a master in, because you likely use it almost every day of your life. Certainly, if you had asked me, after having worked with Word for well over a decade whether there was anything else I could know, I’d have said a firm […]

The ultimate to-do list for busy legal professionals [4 top tips]

To-do list for legal professionals

If you’re like most legal professionals, a day in your life consists of a never-ending to-do list. And if the items on your list never seem to get done, you’re not alone. In fact, in a survey for LinkedIn, 90% of professionals admitted that they’re regularly unable to complete all of the tasks on their […]

The top 10 law firm management blogs

top law firm management blogs

Here at One Legal, we love to read, learn, and share the latest legal practice news and best practices. We’ve written before about how podcasts — short radio shows that you can download and listen to any time — can be an excellent way to stay up to speed. But what if you prefer the […]

Core Adobe Acrobat skills for successful eFiling

Core adobe acrobat skills for successful efiling

The PDF (or Portable Document Format) has been a mainstay of law offices for some time. Until recently, it has mainly been used as a convenient way to store and send documents in a stable format that cannot be edited easily. However, the rapid expansion of electronic court filing means that knowing how to create, […]

5 things to consider when choosing an electronic filing service provider

Choosing an ESFP to meet your firm’s needs

Since March 2016, electronic filing (“eFiling”) has been either required or permitted in 10 counties of California. By the end of 2016, eFiling will be available in almost half of all counties in the state. Reliably filing your important documents electronically in these counties requires a certified electronic filing service provider (EFSP). Choosing a single […]

The top reasons court filings get rejected (and how you can avoid them)

Avoid rejected court filings

Here at One Legal, we know a bit about getting court documents filed accurately and on time. That means we also have the inside scoop on how to avoid rejected court filings. In 2015, we filed over 600,000 documents in electronic filing courts (like Orange County, San Diego, and San Francisco) and in courts that […]

How One Legal helps a small law firm serve process on 85+ parties with ease

Albany, California-based Driscoll Omens is no stranger to complex, multi-party litigation. The firm has, over its history, represented plaintiffs in a number of high-profile suits in California. Handling these types of labor-intensive cases in a small firm raises practical issues. Court filings must be delivered and all of the other parties – often many of […]

7 Microsoft Outlook quick tricks all legal professionals should know

Outlook tips and tricks

The chances are that if you work in a law office, then you’re using Microsoft Outlook many times a day. In fact, according to our email stats here at One Legal, if you’re not reading your emails on your phone (which a growing number of you are), then you’re almost certain to be reading them […]

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