eFiling or eService – Which comes first?

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Are you effecting electronic service correctly along with your electronic court filing? Check in on eService best practices and learn how to eServe and eFile at the same time.

How eFiling works [infographic]

How eFiling works

An illustrative guide to how electronic court filing works, complete with tips for filers to avoid rejection and optimize their process.

Printing tips, tricks, and hacks for legal professionals


Not all courts have moved to electronic court filing and even those which have keep some documents exempt. Between court files and internal paperwork, an awful lot gets printed in any given law office. If you’re not ready to make the move to a paperless law office, there are several options for you to up […]

Does my law firm really need PDF editing software?

woman staring at computer

The Portable Document Format (PDF) has been around since the 1990s and has long been since considered the “gold standard” of document types, independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems. While some have believed the PDF to be “a format that causes headaches for the average person,” the truth is that much of the […]

7 steps to filing legal documents successfully

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What are the steps to filing legal documents with the court? What needs to happen between brief and court date to ensure that the document reaches the judge as it should? What does the filer need to do or know at each phase to ensure success? If you’ve been filing documents for years now, this […]

8 reasons you no longer need court runners to file

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If you entered the legal profession prior to this millennium, you likely remember how crucial the “court runner” was to your firm’s day-to-day operations. Whether they were serving documents on an opposing party or filing pleadings with a court clerk, court runners were an absolute necessity for getting documents where they needed to be in […]

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