How paralegals can command more respect
Want to command more professional respect as a paralegal? These tips will help you cultivate more respect from others in the legal industry.
Paralegals: should you follow your lawyer to a new firm?
Here’s a question for paralegals: when your lawyer changes firms, should you follow them? Here’s how to weigh whether you should go or stay.
Six things paralegals do better than attorneys
Legal support staff may not have the most senior positions in the law firm, but you couldn’t operate without them. For instance, consider these 6 things that paralegals do better than attorneys.
Where, how, and when to get your CLE credits in California
Are you looking for more California CLE credits to meet your ongoing education requirements? Let’s talk about the California MCLE requirements and how you can get those credits.
Hottest legal careers in California
California’s unique economic and political landscape makes it an attractive destination for legal professionals. Here are the hottest legal careers and practice areas in California today.
Fun hobbies that secretly level up your legal skills
Want to build you legal skills without even trying? These hobbies make you a better legal professional without spending more time at work.
Communicating your value to potential clients who might balk at legal rates
Clients might balk at attorney fees. Your job is to communicate your value, not just your prices. That starts when you understand and believe in your own value as a lawyer. Here’s how to navigate that process.
6 tips for relationship building between attorneys
How can forging better bonds with your colleagues help you professionally? Learn how a team mindset can help your whole firm succeed.
Top 10 tips for improving your public speaking skills
Does the idea of speaking in public make you start to sweat? Learn ways to improve your skills so you can relax through the process.
10 best books to read before starting your own law firm
If you surveyed 1,000 attorneys, I’d wager that 999 of them have fantasized about starting their own law firm at one time or another. The appeal is understandable. With your own firm, you can choose your own clients, set your own hours, and reject all of the policies and procedures that drive you crazy with […]
What if your attorney tells you to be unethical?
Use these critical steps to help you stay professional, focused, and protect yourself if you’re ever faced with an attorney behaving unethically.
How to command respect when you’re the new hire at a law firm
Landing a new position as a legal professional can garner both excitement and anxiety. These tips will help you make a smoother transition and command the respect you deserve in the post-pandemic workforce.
How to deal with a difficult boss at your law firm
Ever dealt with a difficult boss? Here are some helpful tips that can help you set important boundaries, protect your peace of mind, and stay focused on professional growth.
How to build mediation skills for paralegals
Ever thought about adding mediation to your resume as a paralegal? Use this guide to learn to build solid mediation skills so that you can multi-task as a legal professional.
7 tips for remote paralegals on how to serve multiple attorneys
Leverage your skillset and the post-pandemic demand for virtual legal support professionals with these tips to help you build your dream work week and get the most out of juggling multiple contracts.
Negotiating a flexible work arrangement in the new normal for paralegals
Practical tips for paralegals on how to negotiate the flexible work arrangement that fits your needs, increases your income, and gives you more work-life balance.