Cyber security for the law firm: top blogs, books, and resources


There’s a lot of information out there about how to protect yourself against cybercrime. It’s of varying degrees of quality, however. Much of it is also only of partial relevance to the legal profession. In other words, getting to the information you need can be tough.

That’s why we’ve written this concise list of the best blogs, books, and other resources on cyber security for the law firm — to help you cut through the noise and get the information you need.

We’ve included a mixture of online and offline materials since we recognize that not everyone consumes information in the same way. It’s intended to be a useful starting point, but not an exhaustive list. So, if there are additional resources that you’re aware of, please share them in the comments — we welcome your views!

So, you’ve read about the very far-reaching cyber security risks facing law firms, but you don’t know where to begin. Don’t worry! There’s an enormous wealth of information out there explaining how you can protect your law firm. Let’s get started!


There are a lot of books out there on cybercrime — many covering the issue from the perspective of international relations. Interesting (perhaps), but not exactly useful for learning practical tips for protecting your law firm’s data and systems. Here are three books that will give you the essential information you need:

  • Cybersecurity for Beginners — If you’re a complete cyber security novice, this book is the place to start. Raef Meeuwisse gives a concise introduction to the cybercrime threat, as well as practical information on protecting yourself and your business.
  • 4-Step Computer Security Upgrade — Once you’re up to speed on the scale of the risk, it’s time to get your law firm’s computers protected. The Lawyerist’s security survival guide is the obvious next step. It promises to have you fully up to speed in under and hour!
  • The ABA Cybersecurity Handbook — Once you’ve got the basics in place, it’s time to start thinking seriously about additional layers of security you can establish. This ABA publication discusses your ethical obligations to your clients and gives clear, practical advice for defending against the cyber threat.
  • Cyber security basics for legal professionals — For those looking for a quick and simple overview of the issues and how to get protected, our free downloadable ebook is a great place to start. You can download your free copy here.


Books are great, but with the cyber threat evolving so rapidly they can quickly become out of date. Blogs are therefore a better way to stay completely up to date on the latest threats and the newest tools. Here are three of our favorites:

  • Threat Level, from Wired — This is a blog written for the general public, rather than businesses or professionals. Nevertheless, it’s well written and full of up to the minute news about cyber security risks. Essential reading if you’re to stay on top of the latest threats.
  • Krebs on Security — Written by cyber crime expert Brian Krebs, this blog focuses on uncovering and explaining the latest security risks. Krebs focuses on cyber fraud (one of the bigger risks facing law firms), exposing the methods and tools cybercriminals are taking advantage of.
  • Cybersecurity Today — This blog, written by lawyers at Sedgwick LLP — a San Francisco-based law firm — provides up to the minute news and discussion on the newest cyber threats. Well worth reading for a legal perspective.


For a more practical educational experience, webinars are great. There’s even the bonus of receiving some CLE credits. Here are three of the best cyber security webinars:

Other online resources

Aside from blogs and webinars, there are a number of other online resources available for legal professionals interested in cyber security issues. Here are a few additional resources to check out:

  • The Digital Edge podcast — This podcast, presented by Sharon Nelson and Jim Calloway, covers law firm technology broadly. However, it regularly focuses in on cyber security issues. The show regularly hosts cyber crime experts and dispenses invaluable practical advice.
  • The Lawyerist Lab Discussion Forum — Got specific technology and cybersecurity questions? Want to ask colleagues for practical help with issues from encryption to choosing the most secure practice management software? This lively online forum is a great place to get answers!
  • Cybersecurity Law Institute, from Georgetown University Law School — Georgetown Law School is known across the U.S. for the quality of its CLE. This two-day program of talks and lectures promises to provide insights on the best governance, preparedness, and resilience strategies. Better still? It will all be webcast live! The cyber security for the law firm event takes place in May this year.

Now it’s over to you. Are there any resources for legal professionals that you think are essential reading/viewing? Let us know in the comments, and we’ll add them to the list.

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