That’s a crime? 50 weird state laws in the US that might surprise you

Funny Weird US State Laws Odd American Laws
What you don't know could get you in trouble: check out some funny U.S. laws and the strange stories behind them. 

You may have come across your fair share of funny U.S. laws that still persist to this day. While many of these tend to be nothing more than an urban legend, there still exists a litany of laws that are sure to test your credulity.

While most laws make some amount of sense, others might only have applied to a unique scenario or during a specific point in history.

Nevertheless, here are a few of the wackier current state laws that exist in the U.S. today.

Odd American laws: Just so we’re clear!

Many weird state laws can seem unusual or quirky, often because they are antiquated, open to interpretation, or have evolved into urban legends over time.

These laws may have been enacted decades or even centuries ago, reflecting the social norms and values of a different era.

While some may still be on the books, their enforcement can vary greatly, so enjoy the list, but remember, very few of them will realistically apply!

Enjoy our roundup of funny laws in the US and mind you don’t get caught out by any of them.

1. It’s illegal to wear a fake mustache that causes laughter in church (Alabama)

In Alabama, a quirky and unusual law makes it illegal to wear a fake mustache that causes laughter in church. This law is presumably aimed at maintaining decorum during religious services by preventing any intentional distractions or disruptions. By prohibiting the wearing of humorous or ridiculous facial accessories, the law seeks to ensure that church services remain respectful and solemn for all attendees. Although rarely enforced today, it remains an interesting part of Alabama’s legal history. 

2. You cannot push a live moose out of an airplane (Alaska)

In Alaska, a peculiar law prohibits pushing a live moose out of an airplane. Believe it or not. this unusual regulation addresses concerns for both the welfare of the moose and safety considerations for people on the ground. The law helps prevent potential harm to the moose during a fall and protects property or individuals from unexpected impacts. Although the circumstances that would prompt such behavior are rare, the law remains a unique aspect of Alaska’s legal landscape. 

3. Donkeys cannot sleep in bathtubs (Arizona)

In Arizona, there’s a law that makes it illegal for donkeys to sleep in bathtubs. This odd rule dates back to the 1920s, when a rancher’s donkey found a cozy spot to rest in a bathtub. Unfortunately, the bathtub was washed away during a flood, leading to a costly search and rescue operation. To prevent similar incidents and potential damage, the state implemented this quirky law to keep donkeys out of bathtubs.

4. Cutting cactus (Arizona)

Arizona law recognizes the significance of the Saguaro cactus and has established regulations to safeguard its existence. The Arizona Native Plant Law, administered by the Arizona Department of Agriculture, governs the protection and management of Saguaro cacti. Under this law, it is illegal to harm, collect, dig up, transplant, or sell Saguaro cacti without a permit.

In Arizona, Saguaro cacti on privately owned land are protected by default, and their removal or destruction requires permission. The law also prohibits the removal of Saguaro cacti from public lands or federal wilderness areas without authorization.

The penalties for violating Saguaro cactus protection laws can include fines, restitution, and even imprisonment, depending on the severity of the offense.

Additionally, organizations and individuals who wish to lawfully harvest or transplant Saguaro cacti must obtain permits and adhere to specific guidelines to ensure responsible management and conservation.

5. It’s illegal to mispronounce the name of the state (Arkansas)

In Arkansas, there’s a law that makes it illegal to mispronounce the name of the state. The correct pronunciation is “AR-kan-saw,” not “AR-kan-sas,” reflecting the state’s French and Native American heritage. The law, established in 1881, aims to preserve the cultural integrity and identity of the state. For the uninitiated, it’s a simple mistake to make, so watch your mouth! 

6. Women are not allowed to drive a car while wearing a housecoat (California)

In California, an unusual law prohibits women from driving a car while wearing a housecoat. This law may seem outdated and restrictive, as it was likely rooted in traditional views of proper attire for public activities. A housecoat, typically considered casual loungewear, may have been deemed inappropriate for driving in public. 

7. Right to sunlight (California)

In California, there is a law that protects the right of residents to access sunlight for their laundry needs. This law guarantees tenants the right to hang clotheslines to dry their laundry outdoors.

The law aims to promote energy efficiency, sustainability, and cost savings by encouraging the use of natural sunlight instead of electric or gas-powered dryers.

By utilizing clotheslines, residents can take advantage of the abundant sunshine in California (where it is sunny 78% of the year), reducing their reliance on energy-consuming appliances and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions.

It’s important to note that while this law protects the right to hang clotheslines, there may be restrictions in place to ensure they are safely installed and do not interfere with other tenants or property structures, so it’s not completely foolproof.

Additionally, some homeowner associations or rental agreements may have specific guidelines or restrictions on clothesline usage.

By supporting the use of clotheslines and other practicalities that require direct sunlight, this law promotes sustainable living practices, energy conservation, and a closer connection to nature.

8. It is illegal to keep a couch on your porch (Colorado)

In Colorado, it’s illegal to keep a couch on your porch. This law, often found in various local ordinances across the state, was implemented to address safety concerns and maintain neighborhood aesthetics. Outdoor couches can become fire hazards, attract pests, and deteriorate rapidly when exposed to the elements. Additionally, they may lower property values and disrupt the overall appearance of a community. Honestly, from this list… not the weirdest law. 

9. Pickles must bounce to be considered safe for human consumption (Connecticut)

This unusual rule comes from a story dating back to the 1940s when officials wanted to ensure the quality and freshness of pickles sold in the state. They devised a test: if the pickle doesn’t bounce when dropped from a certain height, it isn’t fresh enough. Though this test isn’t widely used today, it remains a fun fact about Connecticut’s unique food safety standards! 

10. Whispering in church is illegal (Delaware)

This law aims to maintain reverence and silence during religious services. By prohibiting any form of audible distraction, including whispering, the rule ensures that the focus remains on the service and the spiritual experience.

Though the law may seem strict or unusual by today’s standards, it reflects the historical emphasis on decorum and respect for the sanctity of church gatherings. Let’s keep it real here, though, enforcing this would mean a lot of citations. 

11. Pull your pants up! (Delaware)

Lewes, Delaware, perhaps has one of the best claims to a funny U.S. law; where there is a law that prohibits wearing pants that sag below the waistline. The law specifically targets the practice commonly known as “sagging pants” or “low-riding pants.” This law is intended to promote modesty and maintain a certain level of public decency in the community.

It’s worth noting that similar laws or ordinances exist in other jurisdictions across the United States, as the issue of sagging pants has been a topic of debate and concern in various communities.

Supporters of these laws argue that they help maintain a professional and respectful appearance, while opponents view them as a potential infringement on personal freedom and expression.

Good luck trying to get a teenager to follow this particular ordinance!

12. Unmarried women who parachute on Sundays can be fined or jailed (Florida)

In Florida, there’s a curious old law that unmarried women who parachute on Sundays can be fined or jailed. This peculiar rule may have been created to uphold traditional values and social norms regarding appropriate activities for women on Sundays. It also reflects a time when certain leisure activities were considered unsuitable for a day of rest. OF course, to our Floridian friends, we are well aware that an unmarried woman parachuting on a Sunday is pretty far down the list of crazy things happening on a given day. 

13. Carrying an ice cream cone in your back pocket is illegal (Georgia)

In Georgia, carrying an ice cream cone in your back pocket is illegal. This quirky law has its roots in the state’s effort to prevent theft. Back in the day, people could attempt to lure horses away by placing an ice cream cone in their back pocket, as it was a convenient place to stash the treat. The law was introduced to curb this sneaky trick, protecting horses from being stolen. Today, the law stands as a peculiar piece of Georgia’s legal history, but it remains a state with a rich equestrian culture, so perhaps it’s not as strange a law as you might think! 

14. Coins are not allowed to be placed in one’s ears (Hawaii)

The law was put in place to prevent the destruction of coins, as they could be damaged or lost when placed in the ear canal. By preserving coins from unnecessary damage, the law ensures the stability and functionality of the state’s money supply. 

15. Riding a merry-go-round on Sundays is illegal (Idaho)

In Idaho, a 1907 law makes it illegal to ride a merry-go-round on Sundays. This law was enacted as part of a series of “blue laws” designed to encourage the observance of the Sabbath as a day of rest and religious worship. The prohibition was likely implemented to limit secular entertainment and leisure activities on Sundays. 

16. It is illegal to take a nap in a cheese factory (Illinois)

The Sanitary Food Preparation Act, which includes a provision that makes it illegal to take a nap in a cheese factory in Illinois. This legislation was established to ensure high standards of cleanliness and hygiene in food production facilities and to protect consumers from foodborne illnesses. Though, according to the law, it’s less about napping in a cheese factory and more about not sleeping in areas where food is prepared. 

17. Culinary sippers (Illinois)

Illinois law permits individuals under 21 to handle and serve alcohol as part of their employment in establishments that hold a valid liquor license.

This exception applies to culinary programs, allowing students to receive comprehensive training and experience in working with alcoholic beverages while underage.

Under the supervision of a faculty member or a qualified instructor, culinary students under 21 are allowed to handle alcohol for educational purposes as long as it is within the scope of their program’s curriculum.

It’s important to note that while individuals under 21 may handle alcohol in a culinary program or employment setting, they are still prohibited from consuming it.

The law strictly prohibits underage individuals from consuming alcoholic beverages, regardless of their involvement in culinary programs or employment in the food and beverage industry.

The law includes instructions that the student “tastes but does not imbibe alcohol liquor for instructional purposes up to, but not exceeding, 6 times per class.”

So, no drinking, kids! Just a sip!

18. You cannot catch fish with a firearm (Indiana)

In Indiana, fishing laws pertaining to firearms are regulated by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR). According to the Indiana Fishing Regulation Guide, it’s illegal to catch a fish in Indiana with dynamite, firearms, or a crossbow.

The general rule is that firearms cannot be used to take fish while fishing in Indiana waters. The use of firearms for fishing is considered unsafe and can cause severe damage to the fisheries and the environment.

According to Indiana fishing regulations, anglers are allowed to possess firearms while fishing as long as they comply with state and federal laws regarding firearm possession and transportation. However, the discharge or use of firearms for the purpose of taking fish is strictly prohibited.

In short, feel free to take your gun; just don’t shoot the fish!

19. Hitting a vending machine that stole your money is illegal (Kansas)

In Kansas, there is a law that makes it illegal to hit a vending machine if it steals your money. This law is part of the state’s criminal damage regulations, which aim to prevent damage to property. Hitting or damaging a vending machine can result in criminal charges, as the machines are considered private property. The law helps protect business owners and vending machine operators from financial loss due to vandalism or theft, so if you ever get the urge, have some restraint! 

20. It’s illegal to dye ducklings blue and sell them (Kentucky)

In Kentucky, it is illegal to dye ducklings or other fowl blue and sell them. This law is designed to protect the welfare of animals and prevent the exploitation of pets for novelty purposes. Dyed birds can suffer harm from the dyeing process and may be at risk for neglect once the novelty wears off. This law helps ensure that animals are treated with respect and care, rather than being used as temporary amusements. 

21. Mourners at a wake may not eat more than three sandwiches (Louisiana)

In Louisiana, there is a law that limits mourners at a wake to eating no more than three sandwiches. This law aims to maintain respect and moderation during somber gatherings. So if you ever find yourself in the Bayou State for a wake, maybe just still to the other finger food. 

22. No snakes near the Mardi Gras parade (Louisiana)

According to Louisiana Revised Statute 3:2771, it is unlawful to bring or possess live snakes within specified parade areas during Mardi Gras parades or processions.

The purpose of this law is to ensure public safety and prevent potential incidents or injuries that could occur if live snakes were present in crowded parade areas. The statute defines “snake” as any nonhuman member of the reptilian class Reptilia, including venomous and non-venomous species, so, no loopholes here!

The law prohibits both intentional possession of live snakes and any act that leads to the presence of live snakes within the designated parade areas during Mardi Gras festivities. Violations of this law can result in penalties and fines.

It should be noted that the law specifically targets live snakes and their presence during Mardi Gras parades. The law does not restrict the use of snake imagery, representations, or floats during Mardi Gras celebrations, so feel free to go crazy with your reptilian outfits.

23. Advertisements may not be placed in a cemetery (Maine)

This regulation is in place to maintain the solemnity and dignity of the resting places of the deceased. Cemeteries are meant to be peaceful spaces for remembrance, and advertising can be seen as disruptive and disrespectful. The law aims to preserve the integrity of these spaces and ensure they remain undisturbed by commercial interests. There are a lot of odd American state laws in this article, but we’re going to go out on a limb and say this one’s actually pretty sensible. 

24. Eating while swimming in the ocean is illegal (Maryland)

In Maryland, there is a law that makes it illegal to eat while swimming in the ocean. This regulation is likely aimed at promoting safety by preventing distractions and reducing the risk of choking while swimming. Eating in the water can also attract wildlife, posing a hazard to both the swimmer and the ecosystem. 

25. It’s illegal to disrupt church services (Mississippi)

The claim that it is illegal to disrupt church services in Mississippi is accurate. Many states have laws that prohibit disrupting religious services, and Mississippi is no exception. 

Mississippi has laws against disturbing religious worship or assemblies. Specifically, Mississippi Code Section 97-17-39 addresses disturbing religious worship and assemblies. This law makes it a misdemeanor to willfully disturb or interrupt any religious service or assembly. 

Here is the text of the law: 

“Any person who willfully disturbs or interrupts any congregation or assembly for religious worship by noise, rude or indecent behavior or profane discourse, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not more than thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.” 

This law is designed to protect the sanctity and peace of religious services and assemblies. Let me know if you have any further questions. 

26. A single male must be charged an annual tax for being unwed (Missouri)

Missouri very briefly imposed a bachelor tax in the 19th century, specifically during the time when such taxes were more common as part of state and local policies. This tax would have been a way to encourage marriage and align with similar laws that were seen in other states and countries during the same period. 

However, these laws are not in effect today. Current laws do not include a tax on single men for being unwed, so don’t worry guys, you can stay a bachelor as long as you want. 

27. It’s illegal to have a sheep in the cab of your truck without a chaperone (Montana)

Montana has a law that prohibits transporting sheep in the cab of a truck without a chaperone. This law is intended to address the safety and welfare of the sheep during Considering state’s rich agricultural history and practices, it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise that protecting livestock features in its legal code. 

28. A bar cannot sell beer unless it’s also brewing a kettle of soup (Nebraska)

The claim that it is illegal in Nebraska for a bar to sell beer unless it is also brewing a kettle of soup is one of the weird US laws often cited in discussions of odd laws in the United States. It is said to be a historical law that requires establishments serving beer to also prepare soup, probably as a way to stop people drinking on an empty stomach. 

29. It’s illegal to lie down on the sidewalk (Nevada)

In Reno, Nevada, there is an ordinance that prohibits lying down or sleeping on the sidewalk, particularly in certain areas of the city. The purpose of this law is to maintain public safety and order by ensuring that sidewalks and public spaces remain clear for pedestrian traffic. 

The Reno Municipal Code Section 11.20.080, “Obstructing sidewalks,” prohibits lying down or sleeping on sidewalks in the downtown area during certain hours. 

30. It’s illegal to pick up seaweed off the beach (New Hampshire)

In New Hampshire, there is a law that prohibits picking up seaweed off the beach at night. This law can be found in New Hampshire Revised Statutes, specifically RSA 207:48. According to the statute, picking up seaweed from public waters or beaches during nighttime hours is illegal, relating to environmental protection and conservation efforts. 

31. It’s illegal to throw a ball at someone’s head for fun (New York)

In New York, there is indeed a law that prohibits throwing a ball at someone’s head for fun. This law is part of New York City regulations under Section 1-04 of the New York City Parks Department’s rules, which states that it is illegal to throw or aim any projectile (such as a ball) at or toward any person with the intention of causing harm or harassment. So, technically, you are allowed to throw a ball at someone’s head, just don’t have too much fun doing it or risk getting in trouble. 

32. How rude! (New York)

In New York, there is a peculiar law that prohibits greeting someone by “putting one’s thumb to the nose and wiggling the fingers.” This gesture, commonly known as the “thumbing of the nose,” is considered an unconventional and impolite way to greet or mock someone.

While the origin and historical context of this law are not clear, it is an example of a relatively obscure and archaic statute that still exists on the books.

It reflects an effort to maintain civility and decorum in interpersonal interactions, promoting polite and respectful greetings, and preventing the use of obscenities that may lead to violence through incitement. However, it is essential to note that the enforcement of such laws in modern times is highly unlikely.

While this particular law may appear odd or outdated, it serves as a reminder that legal systems can contain a wide range of statutes, some of which may seem trivial or unusual. Be respectful!

33. Drunk bingo (North Carolina)

Under, North Carolina General Statutes § 14-309.8, it is illegal to operate or participate in a game of bingo while under the influence of an impairing substance. This law is essentially aimed at promoting responsible gaming practices.

Playing bingo while intoxicated can potentially lead to impaired judgment, erratic behavior, and an increased risk of accidents or disruptions during the game, as anyone who’s been to Vegas or Atlantic City can readily attest to.

By prohibiting intoxicated individuals from participating in bingo, the law seeks to maintain fairness, order, and the overall enjoyment of the game for all participants.

The specific penalties for violating this law may vary based on factors such as the level of intoxication and any prior offenses. Does this ruin the fun? We’ll let you decide.

34. It’s illegal to fish for whales on Sunday (Ohio)

Ohio is a landlocked state with no access to the ocean, so if you can find a whale on Monday thru Saturday, then go right ahead! 

35. Keep your weapon out of the cemetery (Oregon)

In Oregon, it is illegal to go hunting in a cemetery. Cemeteries are solemn places designated for the remembrance of the deceased, and engaging in activities such as hunting within their premises is highly inappropriate.

The prohibition on hunting in cemeteries serves to preserve the sanctity of these final resting places and maintain an atmosphere of tranquility and reverence.

Looks like those pesky squirrels have a reprieve!

36. It’s illegal to catch a fish with your mouth (Pennsylvania)

According to Pennsylvania fishing regulations, it is illegal to catch a fish with any body part other than a properly licensed fishing device, such as a fishing rod and reel or a fishing net. This law is likely in place to ensure fair fishing practices and to protect both fish populations and anglers. So, using your mouth is against the rules. Still very impressive though should you be able to do so. 

37. It’s illegal to work on Sundays unless you are a minister (South Carolina)

The laws governing work on Sundays in South Carolina are known as “blue laws,” and they regulate certain activities on Sundays. While some restrictions have been lifted over time, there are still some limitations on specific types of work and business operations on Sundays. 

Generally, these laws may prohibit or restrict the sale of alcohol and other certain retail activities on Sundays. However, many businesses are now allowed to operate on Sundays, and not all forms of work are restricted. 

Ministers and religious services are typically exempt from these restrictions, as they provide religious services on Sundays. 

38. It’s illegal to use someone else’s Netflix account (Tennesse)

In Tennessee, it is illegal to use someone else’s Netflix account without their permission. This action is considered theft of services and is punishable by law. In 2011, Tennessee enacted a law that made it a crime to use someone else’s login credentials for online services such as streaming services, including Netflix, without authorization. 

39. It’s illegal to sell one’s eye (Texas)

In Texas, it is illegal to sell one’s eye. This is part of broader laws that regulate the sale and transfer of human organs and tissues. Texas, like other states, has laws in place that prohibit the buying and selling of human organs, including eyes, for transplantation or any other purpose. 

These laws are in place to prevent exploitation and trafficking in human organs and tissues, as well as to ensure ethical practices in medical procedures such as organ and tissue transplants. So, if you’re thinking of replacing your with a glass one, think again. 

40. Stay away from my cattle (Texas)

In the state of Texas, there is a rather funny U.S. law that prohibits milking another person’s cow. While the exact origins and reasoning behind this law are not entirely obvious, one can assume it stems from property rights and the protection of personal assets.

The law is intended to prevent unauthorized individuals from trespassing on someone else’s property, specifically in relation to livestock and their valuable byproducts, such as milk.

By explicitly forbidding the act of milking another person’s cow without permission, the law seeks to safeguard the property rights of livestock owners and ensure that they have exclusive control over the use and benefits of their animals.

Enforcement of this law may vary depending on the circumstances and the intent of the individual involved. It is important to note that the primary purpose of this law is to discourage trespassing and unauthorized access to private property rather than solely targeting the act of milking cows.

Either way, stick to your own cattle!

41. It’s illegal to cause a catastrophe (Utah)

Yes, in Utah, it is illegal to cause a catastrophe. According to the Utah Criminal Code, causing a catastrophe is a criminal offense and is defined as causing widespread injury or damage through certain actions. This can include the use of weapons of mass destruction, explosive devices, or other hazardous materials, as well as intentional acts such as starting a fire or flood. 

The law is in place to protect public safety and prevent large-scale harm to people and property. The specific statute is Utah Code § 76-6-106, which outlines the penalties for causing a catastrophe, including significant fines and imprisonment. I mean, we sure hope there are penalties for this! 

42. Women must get written permission from their husbands to wear false teeth (Vermont)

The claim that Vermont has a law requiring women to get written permission from their husbands to wear false teeth is a common urban legend. This claim is not based on any current legal statute in Vermont, but nevertheless, maybe go easy on the maple syrup. 

43. It’s illegal to harass Bigfoot or Sasquatch (Washington)

This is based on an actual ordinance in Skamania County, Washington. Skamania County passed an ordinance in 1969 (and amended it in 1984) that makes it illegal to hunt, harass, or harm Bigfoot or Sasquatch. 

The ordinance is of course a joke on the local tradition and a nod to the area’s association with Bigfoot sightings. The law includes a potential penalty of a fine or even jail time for violating it, so just in case you do see him, leave him alone! 

44. Criminal colds (Washington)

This state’s RCW 70.54.050 makes it a misdemeanor to expose others to a contagious disease, even the common cold.

The law states that any person who intentionally exposes themselves or others, or any animal affected by a contagious or infectious disease, in a public place or thoroughfare, except when necessary and done in a manner that does not endanger public health, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

Additionally, if a person who is affected by such a disease exposes another person to it without their knowledge, they are also considered guilty of a misdemeanor.

The purpose of this funny U.S. law is to protect public health and prevent the spread of contagious or infectious diseases. It emphasizes the responsibility individuals have to avoid exposing others to potentially harmful diseases, particularly in public spaces where transmission can occur more easily.

Good job, Washington, looks like you folks were ahead of the rest of us even before COVID! Not sure about being prosecuted for spreading a cold, however; surely a runny nose is already punishment enough!

45. It is illegal to have an unmarried couple live together (West Virginia)

West Virginia’s legal code contains a statute concerning lewd and lascivious behavior, which includes cohabitation. 

Under West Virginia Code §61-8-5, it is illegal for an unmarried man and woman to live together and engage in “lewd and lascivious behavior”. We’re going to break rank here and say that this ranks pretty highly on our list. 

46. Roadside meal prep (West Virginia)

The West Virginia Roadkill Removal Law, enacted in 2015, permits individuals to collect and utilize certain types of roadkill. This law was implemented to address the issue of animals being accidentally struck by vehicles and to reduce waste by allowing for the utilization of the meat from these animals.

Under the Roadkill Removal Law, individuals may salvage game animals such as deer, bear, turkey, and other species that have been unintentionally killed by motor vehicles.

However, there are regulations and procedures to follow. The person who wishes to collect roadkill must promptly report the incident to a local law enforcement agency and obtain a free permit from the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources (DNR) before possessing or transporting the roadkill.

Aside from being a funny U.S. law, this particular piece of legislation seems to make a whole lot of sense!

47. It’s illegal to serve butter substitutes without the customer’s approval (Wisconsin)

According to Wisconsin state law, it is illegal to serve margarine or other butter substitutes to customers in restaurants and other food establishments as a replacement for butter unless the customer specifically requests it. 

This law reflects Wisconsin’s long history as a dairy state and its commitment to the dairy industry, including the production of butter. Butter lovers, this one’s for you! 

48. A slice of cheese with my apple pie, please (Wisconsin)

In Wisconsin, there is a longstanding tradition and cultural practice of serving apple pie with a slice of cheese. While it may not be a strict legal requirement, it has become popularly known as the “apple pie and cheese law.”

This unusual culinary pairing is rooted in the state’s rich dairy heritage and agricultural traditions.

The tradition of serving apple pie with cheese in Wisconsin can be traced back to the early settlers who were predominantly of European descent. Cheese was a staple of their diet, and it became customary to enjoy it with various foods, including apple pie. Over time, this practice became closely associated with Wisconsin’s thriving dairy industry, which produces a massive range of high-quality cheeses.

While the exact origins of the “apple pie and cheese law” remain unclear, it has become a quirky part of Wisconsin’s culinary culture.

Many Wisconsinites take pride in the unique combination, believing that the savory flavor of cheese complements the sweetness of apple pie.

49. It’s illegal to pick wildflowers from the state highways (Colorado)

In Colorado, it is illegal to pick wildflowers from state highways and other public rights-of-way. This law is in place to protect the state’s natural beauty and preserve its native plant species. Removing wildflowers from state highways can damage the ecosystem, disrupt habitats, and negatively impact the environment. So, next time you stop for a rest, leave the wildflowers alone! 

50. Gorillas are not allowed to sit in the backseat of a car (Massachusetts)

There are a lot of silly laws we’ve looked at today, but even this one is simply too outrageous to be a real law. It’s not true, move along.

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