Top 10 myths about eFiling and eService: Part 1

Who rejects your documents? Do judges still print? When will conformed copies get returned? Let’s demystify these myths about eFiling and eService.
7 ways to step outside of your paralegal comfort zone

Fear of change is a natural human emotion, but fear can help keep you in your comfort zone, afraid to venture out. Don’t let yourself get stuck in a rut; instead, explore new things as a legal support professional. Does any of this sound familiar? Here are 7 ways to break out of your paralegal […]
Tips for implementing new technology at your law firm

Despite the benefits of a more tech-savvy firm, not everyone in the office may be gung-ho to learn the necessary skills and make the various changes. A large law firm may ask the IT staff to champion the conversion to the new technology, but at a smaller law firm, it may be an office administrator […]
Are you an I- or a T-shaped paralegal?

The legal profession is renowned for being traditional, conservative, and extremely resistant to change. Consequently, many lawyers (and some paralegals as well) tend to avoid the unfamiliar and focus on just one thing – their chosen area of expertise. However, at a time when creativity and ideas are vital to the success of a law […]
Should paralegals have a specialty? Finding your niche

In the legal industry, niche specialization can enable professionals to distinguish themselves as leading experts and make it easier for clients to decide who to work with. This is why some of the most successful law firms in the country are the ones that practice in a specific area of law. But it’s not just the attorneys who can specialize. How can a paralegal or legal secretary find and hone their specialty, […]
5 essential questioning techniques for legal professionals

From questioning witnesses on the stand or taking depositions, to conducting preliminary client interviews, or simply interacting daily with other colleagues, effective communication is critical to your success as a legal professional. Among the most important communication skills to master is asking questions effectively. We wrote previously about how to improve the ways you conduct […]
Why typography should matter to lawyers

“Typography matters because it helps conserve the most valuable resource you have as a writer — reader attention.” So says Matthew Butterick, a graphic designer-turned-lawyer who has authored a book called “Typography for Lawyers”, which seeks to bust a lot of presentational myths that persist in the legal profession, and suggest ways legal documents can […]