Court research
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Access documents you can't find online – state or federal

Request documents from all federal and state courts, or submit a research request and have an experienced court runner obtain documents that meet your criteria. We’ll deliver your documents electronically or in hard copy.
Nationwide process serving

Nationwide coverage

Our national network of professional court researchers can obtain documents from any state or federal courthouse in the U.S.

Easy to order service of process

Easy online ordering

It takes just a few minutes to place a document retrieval or court research order.

Computer monitor

Receive documents online

Documents will be scanned and delivered to you electronically. Download documents 24/7 from the orders tab.

Plus, unbeatable features

Create an account today and start placing court research and document retrieval orders in minutes.



Research and retrieval

Download a detailed overview our courthouse research and document retrieval service.


The paperless office

Going paperless is not only possible, the rewards can be huge. Learn how to transform your office.

Legal Up Virtual Conference

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